Our Story

 Herbarium Drinks founders andrew and steve

One memorable evening in 2018, I was driving to meet my longtime friend Steve at a pub when a simple thought struck me: “What should I drink?” As a devoted gin and tonic fan, I was frustrated by the lack of quality alcohol-free options. I wondered, “Wouldn’t it be brilliant if you could just take the alcohol out of gin?” That idea quickly sparked a passion and set us on an exciting journey to create our very own alternative under the Herbarium banner.

We set clear, ambitious goals for our creation. Our mission was to craft a traditionally distilled, alcohol-free spirit designed to pair perfectly with tonic—using zero alcohol. We committed to focus on the core botanicals found in gin and to add no artificial flavourings or sweeteners, even if they were labelled as natural. We insisted on delivering a bold, grown-up flavour that didn't compromise on taste. We also wanted to keep our carbon footprint low by producing our drink right here in the UK.

With Steve’s expertise in the food and drink industry, we dived head-first into our vision. We quickly learned that distilling natural products without alcohol was no small feat. Our quest took three years of endless trials as we mastered how to unlock, embrace, and manage the natural flavours of our botanicals. Rather than simply imitating gin, we discovered we could create a truly unique, flavoursome, and sophisticated alternative that stands on its own.

Our kitchens became our creative labs, and homemade stills turned into our trusted tools of innovation. We experimented with countless recipes until one day, recipe number 29 emerged as “the one.” And just like that, Herbarium Distillation 29 was born—a testament to our dedication, creativity, and love for quality. Every sip captures our passion for natural, authentic flavours that redefine the alcohol-free experience.

Today, our passion for creating distinctive, alcohol-free choices continues to inspire us. We keep exploring new botanical combinations and flavour profiles whilst always considering ethical and sustainable practices.

Welcome to Herbarium—where every sip tells a story of innovation and heart. Enjoy the experience, and let our drinks be a part of your moments of celebration and reflection.

Andrew & Steve